Foto Friday: Beautifully Diverse Sidewalks in Buenos Aires
Walking around my current barrio, Olivos, one of the things I noticed first was the sidewalk. You constantly need to be looking down because around here everyone has dogs and takes them out for walks and they are all really well behaved, but they let their dogs do their business in the middle of the sidewalk and don’t clean up afterwards. If you don’t pay attention to the sidewalk, you’re bound to end up with a nasty smelling surprise trailing back home with you. That is the gross reason for having to notice the sidewalks, the good thing about it is that there are so many different kinds of sidewalks. The best way to understand what I mean is to use this Foto Friday to share pictures of the changing textures you get to walk on in this diverse and beautiful city. Today I’m using no descriptions and allowing the pictures to speak for themselves, it’s so different and diverse. Who would have thought something as simple as a sidewalk could be so interesting and beautiful?
I think the second one is my favorite. I would definitely have tO quit looking up so much so as to not trip!
A nice tour of what we so often take for granted; the ground beneath our feet. The varying colors, textures, and surroundings could be seen as a metaphor for our lives…as we transition from rough to smooth, to beautiful and the less than…. Good job!