Street Art in Buenos Aires
Arte Callejero en Ciudad de Buenos Aires
A little over a month ago, I was back in Buenos Aires for my sister-in-law's wedding. It was a bit of a whirlwind because I was not well for most of the trip. I was so sick I had to go to urgent care and get x-rays on my chest. I had developed bronchitis and a sinus infection. Since returning home, I've learned that I am likely to develop bronchitis because I have the trifecta of conditions that cause chronic coughing: acid reflux, asthma, and chronic sinus issues. Fabulous.
When I was well enough to get out of my in-laws' house, I was enamored by the street art of Buenos Aires. The street art in Buenos Aires has long been a fascination of mine. I even wrote a piece on street art and activism five years ago.
I noticed the locations where some of my favorite art had been covered up and was able to see tons of new street art brightening up the walls of the city. This gallery is just a flash in the pan of Buenos Aires street art. There is so much more to explore and it is an ever changing landscape whose meanings evolve with the times.
What an amazing gallery of art! Such talented people. Glad you were able to revisit these sites and record them despite your bout of ill-health.
Very Cool…should send some of those artists north…we could us a few!